How To Be Creative
How to be creative? Here is a bold statement. If you aren’t vulnerable you can’t be creative! Really? Yes! Think about it for a second. The definition of vulnerability is “susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm” Some synonyms: risk, unprotected, unguarded, exposed, an easy target.
Vulnerability and creativity
To be a “creative” being, which I believe we all are in one way or another, is to be all those things listed above. The reason people say they aren’t creative is because somewhere along the way someone or something said or did something to hurt you so you stopped creating. “You can’t draw”, “You aren’t smart enough”, “Who do you think you are”, “You want to do what?” “You aren’t an artist”. Vulnerable people fail, get hurt, but vulnerability with courage make great leaders, great creative people. They don’t stay down for long – they pick up the pieces and keep on going.
Art and Vulnerability
Being an artist is a very courageous thing to do. Okay, so I’m not out saving lives or putting my life in danger for my work BUT every painting I do is a piece of me. Every piece of work I put “out there” be it the gallery, the internet (where let’s face it – there are a lot of angry scrolls just waiting to take a chunk out of you) I am opening myself up for criticism, and judgement. Nobody knows the story behind my paintings, the journey it took for the final product but boy oh boy do people want to share with you their opinion of what you do. Fortunately, 99% of the feedback is good but do you know which % I will focus on? You got it! That one comment on Facebook or that one gallery visitor who said something about my work not realizing I was the artist. I am a bit of a drama queen but this is what I hear – not criticism about my work but about ME!
What’s Your Truth?
So, 2019 my word is “Truth”. Is it true? Are my feelings “true” are my thoughts “true”? I heard a great line from someone. Somebody else’s opinion about you is none of your business. So true! I will not let someone’s opinion of me deter me from what I love to do – especially if that person isn’t willing to be vulnerable themselves and get in the game. So many people are willing audience members but that doesn’t require vulnerability or courageous living. I love ‘constructive criticism’ from some of my peers (okay, I don’t love it but I’ll take it) as I know the goal is to help me improve – not to tear me down.
The Challenge
So, what about you? Are you going to let the pew warmers dictate what you can or cannot create? Have you always wanted to try something new or start a new project but were afraid to try? Go for it! If “people” don’t like it – so what? At least you showed up and tried! Good for you!
Talk about being vulnerable….
Any questions? Contact me